Greetings to All Our Dreamers!

The Dream Mall has now changed into a Prize Center!

No longer will the Dream Mall be used for buying graphics with tokens, as the tokens system has been removed from Dreamers Odyssey! Instead, graphics can only be ordered if you've won 1st place at Starlight Visionaries or Fields of Eternity. Websets may be won by winning at Fields of Eternity 3 times in a row!

We hope you enjoy your visit!

If you have won 1st place at either of these 2 upper levels, you may choose a graphic from the studio of your choice at the order forms! ;o)

(Fantasia Studio)

(Galaxies Studio)

(Sirens Studio)

(Blazing Saddles Studio)

(All Holidays Studio)

(Mausoleum Studio)

(Critters Studio)

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